The Cubs United CLC held a prayer service in celebration of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1, in Clougherty Chapel to pray for those afflicted with AIDS. The commemoration extended throughout the entire week featuring a red ribbon sale, where ribbons were placed on a wreath in front of the Community Service Center to express solidarity for those afflicted with AIDS.
The prayer service comprised of over a dozen students and faculty members, who prayed for people afflicted with AIDS. Some of the adults in attendance, including Community Service Coordinator Mrs. Angela Moran and theology teachers Mr. Thomas Cendejas and Mr. Thomas Portman, also offered prayers on the subject matter.
Mrs. Moran said, “We bring World AIDS Day to our campus so that our students can become aware of what is going on and what has happened in the history of AIDS.”
This year’s service was larger than last year’s, according to Mrs. Moran. “We were very happy that this year there were so many more students, as last year we had only about four or five students and a couple adults, with most from Cubs United CLC.”
This year’s AIDS week observed at Loyola added many new things to the program, including a button sale and a wreath to hang red ribbons symbolizing Loyola’s support of those struggling with AIDS. Mrs. Moran added, “We actually widened the scope of what the prayer service was by adding the wreath that’s in front of the community service rooms, so everyone that wasn’t able to attend the prayer service was actually able to view the wreath, tie a ribbon on it, and be in solidarity with those who have been affected and killed by AIDS.”
The CLC continued to promote World AIDS Week by offering daily facts about AIDS during the morning prayer.
Sophomore Daniel Mariscal said, “I thought it was really poignant that we could pray for the victims that have contracted the disease and talk about the issues that the disease has caused. I like how Loyola held the AIDS event throughout the week because most kids don’t know about the damage AIDS has done to adults and even to some kids our age.”
Sophomore Jack Arnerich added, “I thought all the activities held throughout the week were a good way to support those suffering from AIDS and I thought putting the ribbons on the wreath was a nice gesture.”
Sophomore Zachary Jo said, “I thought the most significant thing done this week was the morning prayer for those who have been struck by AIDS, because it showed our support for them everyday and helped us come together in our support of AIDS victims.”