Before the arrival of Spanish settlers, Los Angeles County was home to an indigenous tribe known as the Tongva, later referred to as the Gabrieleño-Tongva tribe. These native peoples were spread throughout...
This interview is the third installment of a new feature item published by The Loyalist staff, with help from the Journalism class at Loyola High School. Ms. Natasha Hamlin is the Wellness Coordinator...
Science teacher Gary Gatfield, history teacher Thomas Goepel and English teacher Terry Caldwell all retire after a combined 139 years of teaching at Loyola High School. The recent retirement of these renowned...
Loyola held its first virtual Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, Sep. 16. At around 7P.M., parents and teachers logged onto Zoom from their own homes and offices for the event.
Back-to-School Night...
On Aug. 28, 2020, actor Chadwick Boseman passed away at the age of 43 after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Boseman starred as the main character in numerous significant films highlighting the African...