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The Official News Site of Loyola High School

The Loyalist

The Official News Site of Loyola High School

The Loyalist

The Official News Site of Loyola High School

The Loyalist


The Loyalist is the official student newspaper of Loyola High School. Its goal is to provide a forum that serves the entire community–students, faculty, staff, and administration.

Any editorial that appears with a by-line is the writer’s opinion and not necessarily that of the newspaper’s editors or the school’s administration. Unsigned editorials represent the majority view of the editors and do not necessarily represent the positions of Loyola High School.

Letters to the editor are encouraged. Submissions must be signed, and the editors reserve the right to edit any letter to conform to the standards of journalism. Letters may be dropped off in the journalism office in Loyola Hall, Room 204; mailed to 1901 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90006; or emailed to [email protected].

Any advertisement in the newspaper is not necessarily an endorsement either from the editors or from Loyola High School.

The editors-in-chief bear prime responsibility for the contents of each issue, including editing, design, and production.

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The Official News Site of Loyola High School