HBO’s critically-acclaimed fantasy TV drama “Game of Thrones” recently aired its season seven finale on Aug. 27. The season has a worldwide following of passionate fans, who form a cult-like group of “Game of Thrones” obsessives. This season was not written by George R. R. Martin, the author of the books. Season seven was the show’s most enjoyable season for plot and character development, unification of themes and storylines, and unforgettable acting by many main characters.
Jon Snow, played by Kit Harington, fought off an undead army that came from the North, beyond the wall. Jon Snow, one of the first characters introduced in the show, is beloved by many for his humble bastard birth and strict moral code.
The audience has built a connection with Snow throughout the seven seasons and sympathizes with him for his underdog persona.
He has changed and grown along with the show, becoming more mature and developing into a compelling leader. For example, in the early seasons of the show, Snow struggled to bear the cold of the North, often unable to stand or move forward. Now, he bears the brunt of howling, icy winds and leads many into battle against the undead.
While this season saw many characters develop and grow, it also brought many stories to an end, building tension for the battle with the undead and satisfying the audience’s thirst or closure.
The story surrounding Lord Petyr Baelish revived many themes from previous seasons. Sansa Stark proved that Petyr Baelish did not love her by referring to a previous season in which Baelish betrayed her mother, Catelyn Stark.
Furthermore, season seven unites characters from around the fictional world. The scene in which Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister and Tyrion Lannister meet to discuss the plans on how to deal with the undead brings together separate plotlines that have been developed separately for the past six seasons.
This scene unites the main characters of the show against the terror of the undead army and displays the tensions between the North, the Lannisters and the Targaryens.
Much of the success of the seventh season is due to the stellar performances by central characters. For example, Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen, focused on immersing herself in the role of the strong and merciless character of the Dragon Queen.
Actor Vladimir Furdik plays the Knight King, a stoic warrior and leader of the undead. Furdik, a stunt actor, plays a shockingly important role with a complete lack of emotion.
Season seven of Game of Thrones marks the apex of the serie, packing non-stop shocking and explosive action into every episode and unites plotlines from around the world.