For the past two weeks, Loyola seniors have been engaged in a highly strategic, extremely competitive game of water tag—Senior Splashin’.
A 12th-grade tradition across the United States, the game entails teams of students attempting to eliminate their classmates by shooting them with squirt guns. This year, Loyola’s game has stretched across Southern California, with eliminations occurring in multiple counties throughout the state. While some participants are motivated by bragging rights, there is also a significant cash prize attached to winning: each player contributed $10 to the cash pot reserved for the victorious team. To many members of the senior class, the friendly competition has become all-encompassing.
“I’m so locked in,” quipped Mick Wayne ‘25. “My team and I are going to win. Come back to this article after the game is over.”
Understandably, some underclassmen and other adult members of Loyola may be confused as to the nature of the game. Prior to the competition’s start, seniors were tasked with dividing into teams of four. The selection process was highly strategic and competitors took a number of factors into account when selecting their teammates.
“I looked for a team of reliable guys who I could count on to survive,” revealed Ian Park ‘25. “I also wanted guys who lived far apart from each other to make hunting us more difficult.”
Each Sunday, every quartet is assigned a different team to “hunt” down with squirt guns. Hunters are forbidden from trespassing on private property, participating while in cars and bringing any aspect of the game to campus, of which parents have also been notified.
There have been some funny eliminations so far: Jackson Beede ‘25 was taken out during a haircut; Braun Levi ‘25 was eliminated while in the sauna at his gym; Henry Casani ‘25 got out while grabbing coffee with his girlfriend. Across the board, Cubs have had to adapt to the toils and terrors of urban water-warfare.
However, there is a saving grace: baby pacifiers. While in the mouth of a participant, the pacifier makes its wearer immune. No water stream—no matter how forceful—can pierce the protection of the baby binky. Other high schools have different immunity devices: Notre Dame Sherman Oaks and Mira Costa use swim goggles, while Pacifica Christian employs squid-shaped hats.
“I wore my binky all weekend, even when I was hanging out with my friends,” said Wayne. “I don’t care about the social stigma. Also, I’ve kinda grown to enjoy sucking on it anyway.” Sundays are known as “purge days.” Any player can target any other player; they are not limited to just their “targets” for the week. This past Sunday, March 17, was the first Purge Day, and it was filled with water assassinations. Dozens of Cubs were eliminated on this day.
“I was taken out on Purge Day,” said Alex Michels ‘25. “It was a devastating way to go out because I was eliminated by Ray Liu, someone who I consider to be a close friend. It really hurt.” Unfortunately, Liu did not respond to our request for comment.
The game is an amazing opportunity for seniors to hang out with their classmates that they may not normally see outside of school.
“I’ve gotten to know my classmates more,” concluded Park. “I’ve even formed a bond with the people targeting me.”
It’s unclear when the game will end. Senior Splashin’ games can last weeks and sometimes even months. While it’s still undetermined who will come out on top, given how committed most students are to winning the grand prize, the only safe bet is that the 2025 Senior Splashin’ game is headed for an epic finish.
Seniors, good luck and stay vigilant.