If you mew, huntereye-max and buy hundred-dollar products, will people finally notice you? In a world where teenagers are all on social media, influencers constantly blast the idea of looksmaxxing. But what is looksmaxxing?
Broadly, looksmaxxing is a trend of young adults using various methods to enhance their physical attractiveness. TikTok is influencing the younger audience to believe it will lead to sharper hunter eyes, positive canthal tilt and a generally more commanding appearance. However, while the concept of looksmaxxing is phenomenal, the potential risks and unpredictable side effects of mental and physical health raise questions about whether looksmaxxing is truly ethical.
When asked about his opinion on the ethics of looksmaxxing, Ethan Han ‘27 said, “Looksmaxxing is a great concept, and everyone should pursue being their best self, but realistically, it’s just a dangerous trend to catch likes and views.”

Looksmaxxing techniques vary widely, with some bordering on the extreme. The “towel method,” which involves biting down onto a towel to reshape the jaw and facial bone structure, is a controversial method that could be harmful. Similarly, excessive use of facial exercises to alter appearances can lead to chronic pain, muscle strain and even long-term damage. These methods, promoted by influencers, encourage users to experiment without fully understanding the consequences. The side effects, ranging from mild discomfort to severe damage, can be very detrimental.
Another common example is “mewing.” Mewing involves pushing your tongue up against the roof of your mouth to bring fat and skin up behind your jaw, giving you a sharper and more defined jawline. When asked about how TikTok affects him in his life, Jason Toomire ‘27 shared, “It’s crazy that people will do anything TikTok tells them. If mewing really worked, wouldn’t everyone have a perfect jawline?”
Mewing is the most popular and prominent method that teenagers use to look their best. But while it does have some health and physical benefits, mewing is mostly exploited for views. Mewing is one of the safest looksmaxxing methods, only promoting breathing through the nose and keeping the jaw upright.
Yet it still has some negative mental health side effects, making false claims that will not fulfill the results that mewing promises. Some students like Bodhi Morgan ‘27 use various methods of looksmaxxing in their everyday lives. He added, “I personally mew and use the towel method, I feel that it gives me a sharper jawline.”
Despite its popularity, the effectiveness of looksmaxxing is inconsistent. While some claim drastic improvements, others see little or no change, leading to disappointment. The trend ignores factors like genetics, age, and general traits, making results unpredictable.
In conclusion, the mental toll of chasing a model-like appearance outweighs any promised benefits. Be confident in who you are, Cubs!