Faculty and staff know how to keep things fresh, blending their unique cultures and personal styles into their daily outfits. But with so many contenders, one question remains: Who has the best fit?
The question about who rocks the best outfits is not a simple one. To break down this contentious debate, a survey was sent to the faculty and staff polling many different data points about Loyola’s attire.
With a staggering seven votes, math teacher Kelly Nicholson received the most votes of the fifty responses. Nicholson receiving high praise is not a shocker because of his notorious collection of unique suits and shades.
Principal Jamal Adams ‘90, an avid sneaker collector with 20 pairs of Jordan 1s, loves the freedom that comes with the new dress code. When he was hired as principal, Adams realized it was time for a switch. Therefore, he favored the comfort of the faculty and staff to create a sense of both style and freedom.
When asked about his favorite pair of shoes in his collection, Adams replied, “I have a pair of green Jordans 1s that are out of their SB collection that I love. I have Black Cat Jordan 4s. I love those. I think I have like six pairs of 11s, so it depends on which ones I want to wear. But, I would say, most days I wear Jordan 1’s. I think they’re practical, and they look good with a pair of slacks, I think I have like 20 pairs.”
Additionally, Adams reflects on his sense of style, explaining his love for Jordans. The practicality of the Jordan 1s, but also their sense of professionalism, is a look that Adams idolizes.
Math teacher Daniel Covarrubias added to the conversation by stating, “I think we’ve moved to a more casual environment; it used to be just a collared shirt and slacks when I started. Now it’s moved to polos, sneakers which are more acceptable. So yeah, I’ve enjoyed it. I think it’s a more comfortable fit for staff and I’ve enjoyed the more options.”
Covarrubias’s outlook on the faculty dress code has been nothing but positive. When asked about his feedback if there were any bumps in the road, he stated, “I enjoy it now. They’ve given us the option to wear jeans on special occasion days. I know other public schools have many more options. There are jeans and shirts that they wear regularly. I like that we are a little bit more sophisticated. We do dress up more.”
When asked about the freedom in his everyday outfit, he touches on being comfortable but also keeping that sense of professionalism.