Image Courtesy of Frank Lichtman '25
Who Will Enter These Hallowed Doors As President Of Loyola Next Year?
This school year, our community will celebrate the remarkable accomplishments and progress achieved during the tenure of Fr. Gregory M. Goethals, SJ ’73, President of Loyola High School. While this year is undoubtedly a time for remembrance, it is also a time of change, as Loyola searches for Fr. Goethals’ successor. Amidst this search, students, teachers, parents, and alumni have frequently asked one essential question: will the next President of Loyola be a Jesuit or a member of the laity? The answer isn’t clear-cut.
Given Loyola’s longstanding Jesuit tradition and location within the Jesuits West Province, we strongly believe that our school’s next President should be a Jesuit. As of right now, this is not guaranteed. According to the “Presidential Search” webpage penned by the succession committee’s two co-chairs– Will Smith and Molly Baumer– the possibility of Loyola hiring a lay president remains. This is reasonable, as the reduced number of active Jesuits and potentially problematic timing of current Jesuit missionings make finding a qualified priest difficult. Although 14 of the 19 Jesuit West schools have lay-leaders, Loyola should not become the 15th.
Selecting a Jesuit president to lead our school into the second quarter of this century is the best way to ensure that we continue to embody the ideals and values of St. Ignatius. It will also guarantee that other facets of our school aligned with the Jesuit mission do not falter.
Loyola will remain unique from many other Jesuit West schools by selecting a Jesuit president, maintaining its deep roots in the Jesuit tradition and mission. In the ever-changing atmosphere of the selection process for Loyola’s next president, many factors are at play and all avenues should be explored. Still, a Jesuit president would be the best outcome for our school’s future.