At The Loyalist, we surveyed the senior class to better understand their experiences throughout high school. Out of 303 graduating seniors in the class of 2023, a total of 94 responded. Due to rounding, totals may not add up to 100%

Geographic Residency
Loyola’s graduating seniors come from all over the greater Los Angeles area. 29.5% are from Pasadena or the San Gabriel Valley, 3.4% are from the San Fernando Valley, 35.0% are from the greater West side, 16.4% are from the South Bay, 7.9% are from Hancock Park or Koreatown, 5.6% are from South L.A. and 2.2% are from the Inland Empire.

Average Commute Time
As a commuter school, it is unsurprising that most Cubs have long commutes. 10.2% of the graduating class have a commute under 15 minutes, 20.5% have a commute between 15-30 minutes, 39.8% have a commute between 30-45 minutes, 27.3% have a commute between 45 minutes and 1 hour and 2.3% of seniors have a commute of over an hour.

Religious Affiliation
Unsurprisingly, a majority of seniors, at 64%, identify as Catholic. 12.4% adhere to other Christian denominations, including Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity and Mormonism. 19.2% are non-religious and 4.4% adhere to other religions, including Islam and Judaism.

Political Affiliation
The Class of 2023 is ideologically divided. 37% of seniors identify as politically conservative, 34.8% identify as politically liberal and 11.2% identify as centrist. 16.9% of respondents identified as non-political. Interestingly, Loyola’s ideological balance closely resembles the nation at-large, but skews more conservative compared to other L.A. area peer private schools.

Do you have a driver’s license?

The overwhelming majority of seniors, at 87.9%, have a driver’s license. Only 12.1% of seniors do not have a license, which makes sense considering the distance most students commute to campus and the lack of public transportation options.
Have you been in a relationship?
The slight majority of seniors, at 57.6%, self-report having been in a romantic relationship at one point in high school. 42.4% have not been in a romantic relationship during high school.
Rate your experience with…

Loyola Faculty
On a ranking from 1 to 5, seniors positively rated their experiences with Loyola faculty. 0% gave a 1, 1.1% gave a 2, 11.8% gave a 3, 52.7% gave a 4 and 34.4% gave a 5.

Loyola’s Administration
Seniors gave more lukewarm ratings regarding their experiences with the school administration. 5.4% gave a 1, 7.5% gave a 2, 26.9% gave a 3, 39.8% gave a 4 and 20.4% gave a 5.

College Counseling
Seniors rated their experiences with the college counseling department extremely positively. 1.1% gave a 1, 3.2% gave a 2, 7.5% gave a 3, 26.9% gave a 4 and the overwhelming majority, at 61.3%, gave a 5.

How rigorous was your Loyola education?
The vast majority of seniors believe their Loyola education was rigorous. 0% gave a 1, 4.3% gave a 2, 14.9% gave a 3, 54.3% gave a 4 and 26.6% gave a 5.

How likely are you to recommend Loyola to a prospective student?
Seniors were very likely to recommend Loyola to a prospective student, showing how positively most view their high school experience. 1.1% gave a 1, 3.2% gave a 2, 10.6% gave a 3, 25.5% gave a 4 and 59.6% gave a 5. C4L!

College… and beyond!
Are you the first in your family to go to college?
8.5% of seniors are the first in their families to go to college.

Do you want to live in Southern California as an adult?
Cubs are mixed on their future plans. 36.2% want to live in Southern California as an adult, 10.6% do not want to, but 53.2% remain undecided.