The Loyola Hub mobile phone application was officially released to the App Store and the Google Play Store by senior Chess Myers at the beginning of October. The Loyola Hub allows students to access Loyola resources and information. Inspired by the CubInfo app, Myers sought to make a similar app with more capabilities, more fluid design, and iPhone and Android accessibility.
The Loyola Hub allows students to access resources such as the Loyola website, daily announcements, calendar, bell schedules, Cub Cash, Q Student Portal, Canvas and Naviance. Parents and students can call and email the school through the app and can retrieve important files such as the Parent-Student Handbook and class registration forms. In addition, the app has features such as a GPA calculator, task manager, school map, teacher directory and a live feed of articles from The Loyalist. Students can also keep up with all Loyola social media.
Sophomore Max Arnerich said, “I like the new GPA calculator because it is more accurate than the CubInfo app’s calculator. Whereas CubInfo only accounted for six periods of grades, The Loyola Hub accounts for all seven.”
Myers said, “The Loyola Hub is an all-inclusive platform. I really tried to include everything that I felt like a Loyola student or parent might need to check during their daily routine and some things they may not ever need that are still there for easy access.”
Myers began creating the app during the start of his junior year. He spent the first few months developing the app in JavaScript followed by a few months of debugging it. Assisted by Information Technology Services Manager and Apple Engineer Terence Stephenson, Myers received the necessary tools to build and test the app. Director of Business Operations Michael Boehle helped Myers get the usage rights for the Loyola crest and logos that Myers needed to publish the app in the month or so before he released it.
Myers said, “I think The Loyola Hub is very important because it is an app that reflects on the school. I’m hoping that future freshmen will download this app the first time they come to Loyola.”
Sophomore Conor O’Callahan said, “The app helps me stay up to date on all the latest Loyola Cub news. It also allows me to track my progress in school.”
As of now The Loyola Hub is a work in progress, and Myers is open to any suggestions that students may have.