Throughout the month of October, the Loyola community took part in Respect Life Month and raised $1500, according to Right to Life club moderator Mr. Cedric Ebiner, for the Pregnancy Help Center of San Gabriel Valley through the Baby Bottle Drive. Students and faculty had the opportunity to donate spare change to large plastic bottles placed in every classroom.
According to the center’s website, the funds raised during the month of October helped the center purchase necessary childcare items to provide the pregnant women a smooth pregnancy with counseling services, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, referrals, material assistance, and hotline services.
Mr. Ebiner said, “I decided to partake in the Baby Bottle Drive this year because I believe that every life is a gift and everyone should be able to live out that gift. I wanted to spread the message that every life should be worth living, and we should not take life for granted.”
“Loyola is participating in the Right to Life program so that people are made aware that each and every life is a gift and that people should respect one of God’s gifts to us,” said Mr. Ebiner.
Sophomore Anthony Stenzel said, “Being able to donate to the Baby Bottle Drive gave me a chance to realize for myself that life is very important and that we should take it seriously. Donating money to these bottles gave me the chance to save a life that will be well lived in the future.”
In the future, Loyola will continue to support the San Gabriel Pregnancy Help Center in its efforts to save the lives of many born and unborn children, according to Mr. Ebiner. “Respect Life Month is a chance to come to realize that every moment in life is precious. It makes me ponder on the many blessings that I have received from God throughout my life,” he said.