Seniors in the world religions course, theology teacher Tika Lee and students from Milken Community School celebrated the Jewish Sabbath together as part of Loyola’s world religions class on Friday, Dec.1. The event was celebrated at the home of a Jewish Rabbi in the Pico-Robertson area near Loyola. Following the Jewish celebration, the students visited a Buddhist temple.
The students arrived at the rabbi’s house, bringing various Jewish food along with them for the celebration. Throughout the evening, the students discussed the philosophies of Judaism and shared personal anecdotes with the Milken students. The group then performed many Jewish traditions on the Sabbath, such as the passing of the Challah bread before dinner. The group concluded the evening with a solemn prayer.
Biery, who is Jewish and part of the Hillel Club, said, “My favorite part was singing Jewish songs with everyone—Loyola guys, the Rabbi’s family, and the Jewish students from Milken—to welcome in the Sabbath.”
“Each and every religion represents a different path up the same mountain. I think this analogy is important for each of us to understand in order to overcome our fears,” Biery said.
Dilbeck, who celebrated the Sabbath with his fellow Cubs, said, “It was interesting to note how Judaism impacted the life of our peers differently; each students reflected a different level of Judaism, for example one student was very strict with their practices but at the same time the others were not as stringent.”
Santiago said, “We should accept and learn about others regardless of sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, and this trip was a bridge to accessing all of those different cultures throughout the world.”
Tobias said, “This class [World Religions] offers several opportunities to go outside of Loyola, switching up our studies of Catholicism for the past three years here. Being pushed to enter unknown situations, where you don’t feel 100% comfortable, is one of the most beneficial learning experiences you’ll ever get at Loyola and beyond.”
Lee said, “It is important in this day and age that we learn to appreciate other traditions and cultures. Secondly, it is important in our understanding of God, for God is not limited to one religion. Rather, God can manifest Godself through very many people and through various ways.”
According to Lee, her students have never been fearful of expanding their boundaries when exploring religions outside of Christianity.